Killer Whales VS Great White

Swim orcamodel

Comparing two apex predators,and figuring out which one would win is an age old pass time.However, we usually dont have the battles

actually taking place in nature.The great white and killer whale do battle, with the killer whale almost always winning.

This come down to a couple things,the most notable thing being the size of the two. The killer whale is also much more itteligent, and a bolder fighter.

These features along with the ability to breath air give killer whales a large advantage, Sharks arent able to live if they arent moving.

Sharks have something called ram venatlation, which allows them to breathe underwater. For this to happen water needs to be constanly passing through

their lungs in order to breathe,if the killer whale it able immobilize the great white, its as good as dead.

Email there are any questions!